Date:  December 11, 2017

Present:  Ehmke, Kirchhoff, Lehn, Moses, Staack and Clerk, Kirchhoff

Guest:  Brammier, Clark, Lowman, Rydel and Keene


There were five board members and five guests were present.  The meeting was brought to order at 6:00 pm by Chairman, Ehmke and reminded all in attendance of the Open Meetings Act posted on the wall.

The Minutes of the November 13, 2017, were submitted for approval.  A motion was made to approve the minutes followed by a second and all present voted ayes.

The Treasurer’s Report was submitted for approval.  A motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s report and all present voted ayes.


From the Fire Department – Paperwork has been completed, just waiting for a date that works for both Avoca and Weeping Water departments to burn house.  The garage is full of carpet rolls and will need to be removed before able to burn.

Keene is working on locating correct turn off and will call in a plumber to run a tracer on the line.  He is also working at the plant to get the amps running slower.

            Kirchhoff reported from the Library Board that they will be having a work day in January to get all the books properly tagged, over 1,000 adult non-fiction books are available.

            Lowman would like to have the alley rocked correctly and public not to drive on his property.  Ehmke will work on the alley.

            Rydel was present to discuss the upcoming opening of the Down Home Saloon.  There will be a preopening and open to the public on Wednesday, December 20.  She will be setting up a beer garden during the Quack-Off, possibly on the north side of her building.  A motion was made to approve the open containers in Tefft Park on Saturday, January 27, 2018, from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm for the Quack-Off.  The motion was seconded and all Board members voted ayes.  A bulletin board will be available for public posting.


Old Business:

Properties:  Incontro property is ready for burning.

The Clerk is still working with the Attorney on problems.  One property was cleaned up.

            Utility Bills – There were 11 shut off notices mailed and all have been paid except for one which will be paid this week after pay day. 


New Business:

            The meeting schedule for 2018 was presented.       

Clerk Questions or Correspondence:

            Reminded election for 2018, Trustees must apply by August 1 to run.



            Snow removal will be put up for bids as well as mowing contract.


Trustee Reports:

            Water/Staack:  Nothing to report.

Sewer/Kirchhoff:  Nothing to report.

            Finance/Lehn:  Nothing to report.

            Parks/Moses:  He is currently working on the door for tractor shed.

            Street/Ehmke:  Groleau helped with putting up Christmas lights.  The tractor is ready for snow.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the payments of the bills for December.  All present board members voted and the following bills will be paid:

            General:  Ehmke - $135; Kirchhoff - $90; Lehn - $90; Staack - $90; Moses - $90; Kirchhoff - $627.37; Windstream - $126.36; Columbus Telegram - $32.58;  One-Call Concepts - $1.14; US Treasury - $1287.14; Precision Well Service - $430; Office Depot - $48.80; School Dist #27 - $300

            Sewer:  Keene - $827.85; Kirchhoff - $85.14; GO Bond - $758.42; Tri-State Pumping - $470; USA BlueBook - $247.09; Kreifels Electric LLC - $147.15; Meeske Ace Hardware - $72.96

            Water:  Keene - $151.22; Kirchhoff - $85.15; Sewer Account - $3063.07; Rural Water Dist #3 - $1056.25; Water Loan Repay - $2200; NE Department of Revenue - $340.52; NE Public Health Environmental Lab - $15; Postmaster - $49

            Street:  Ehmke - $160.69; Moses - $55.41; Groleau - $30; Martin Marietta - $253.97; Meeske Auto Parts - $3.99; Meeske Ace Hardware - $139.42

Community Improvement: Antes - $55

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.  The present board members voted ayes and the meeting were adjourned by Chairman at 7:17 pm.  The next meeting of the Avoca Village Board will be held onMonday, January 8, 2018 at 6:00 pm at the Village office at 609 House Street.  Minutes are submitted by Marilyn Kirchhoff, Village Clerk/Treasurer.