Date: Monday, March 12, 2018
Present: Ehmke, Kirchhoff, Lehn, Moses, Staack and Clerk, Kirchhoff
Guest: Proksel
There were five board members present and one guest. The meeting was brought to order at 6:00 pm by Chairman, Ehmke and reminded all in attendance of the Open Meetings Act posted on the wall.
The Minutes of the February 12, 2108, were submitted for approval. A motion was made to approve the minutes followed by a second and all present voted ayes.
The Treasurer’s Report was submitted for approval. A motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s report and all present voted ayes.
From the Fire Department – Plans for this or next week to burn.
Black Hills Energy- 25 years - Franchise Agreement was discussed. Proksel from Black Hills was present to explain the agreement. One question from the attorney was answered after a phone call. The attorney would like to know if Black Hills pays occupational taxes to any other villages the size of Avoca. This will need to be looked into further. The Ordinance for the agreement would be separate from the occupation taxes and can be added at a later date. A motion was made to suspend the three readings. The motion was seconded and all Board members voted ayes. A motion was then made by Moses to approve Ordinance 2018-01, An Ordinance granting Black Hills/Nebraska Gas Utility Company, LLC d/b/a Black Hills Energy, a Delaware corporation, its lessees, successors and assigns, a natural gas franchise and the authority to construct, operate, maintain, and extend a natural gas distribution plant and system, and granting the right to use the streets, alleys, and other public places within the present or future corporate limits of the Village of Avoca, Nebraska. The motion was seconded by Lehn. A vote upon roll call, all ayes, approved the Ordinance. Proksel also reminded the Board that Black Hills is available to help with fund raiser events.
Returning to the Fire Department – There were questions from the Board to the Fire Department from last month. The Clerk will check with sheriff office for siren schedule. Burn permits may be obtained by Marty Brammier, Mike Fischer, Michael Bradbury and Coleton Brammier. They are looking into the message machine at fire station always being full.
The Library Board met, Kirchhoff was not able to attend. Game night is set for Friday, March 16 and an Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, March 31, at the Town Hall. Jenny Meyer has agreed to be a member of the Library Board, filling the vacancy of Joy Henderson.
Old Business:
Weather permitting, the fire department will burn house this week or next. The rolls of carpet need to be removed.
From the Attorney, letters will be sent to two property owners for cleanup, still unable to locate property owner and will finalize court procedures for cleanup of other property, two Board members need to meet with homeowner.
Utility Bills – There were 12 shut off notices mailed and one unpaid may have to work with attorney as house was sold.
Bridge work will be on hold until weather permits.
CleanUp Day will be held on Saturday, April 21.
New Business:
There was no new business to discuss.
From the Clerk:
The Clerk has completed a community survey and will submit. Number one concern is funds for street improvement.
The garbage can disappeared from office location but a new one has been delivered.
Trustee Reports:
Water/Staack: Nothing to report.
Sewer/Kirchhoff: Keene will have USDA assist with inputting reports on computer.
Finance/Lehn: Received cd notices from the bank.
Parks/Moses: Nothing to report.
Street/Ehmke: Needing rock and look into funds for streets.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the payments of the bills for March. All present board members voted and the following bills will be paid:
General: Ehmke - $135; Kirchhoff - $90; Lehn - $90; Staack - $60; Moses - $90; Kirchhoff - $609.49; Windstream - $124.65; US Treasury - $1369.24; Office Depot - $34.05; Ehmke - $11.09
Sewer: Keene - $869.54; Kirchhoff - $87.36; GO Bond - $758.42; Tri-State Pumping - $347.88; NE City Utilities - $210; Meeske Ace Hardware - $56.97; Postmaster - $49
Water: Keene - $154.980; Kirchhoff - $87.36; Sewer Account - $3496.09; Rural Water Dist. #3 - $1282.00; Water Loan Repay - $2200; NE Department of Revenue - $374.58; NE Public Health Environmental Lab - $15; Postmaster - $49;
Street: Ehmke - $199.48; Moses - $625; Meeske Ace Hardware - $26.01; Stutheit Implement Co - $243.26; Triple R Welding - $684.12
Community Improvement: Antes - $55
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The present board members voted ayes and the meeting were adjourned by Chairman at 7:07 pm. The next meeting of the Avoca Village Board will be held on Monday, April 9, 2018 at 6:00 pm at the Village office at 609 House Street. Minutes are submitted by Marilyn Kirchhoff, Village Clerk/Treasurer.