Date: Monday, May 14, 2018
Present: Ehmke, Kirchhoff, Lehn, Moses Staack and Clerk, Kirchhoff
Guests: McDonalds
All board members and two guests were present. The meeting was brought to order at 6:00 pm by Chairman, Ehmke and reminded all in attendance of the Open Meetings Act posted on the wall.
The Minutes of the May 14, 2018, were submitted for approval. A motion was made to approve the minutes followed by a second and all present voted ayes.
The Treasurer’s Report was submitted for approval. A motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s report and all present voted ayes.
From the Fire Department – Burn was complete, may have another to burn. Ehmke received a request to burn creek.
The Library Board reported that bank statement is good. It was verified there is electricity in garage for summer event usage. AKC Reunite will have the trailer here to show. Donations were received from Easter Egg Hunt and Ladies Night. There were 66 volunteer hours documented for the Rural Route Rust. They were approached to sponsor Miss Avoca – this is sponsored by the Village and paid for by the Families Who Care as in the past. They’re looking into a deposit box for books. Request was sent to Black Hills Energy for donations. The library will soon have DVDs available to be checked out. They Do Not Sell Books.
Rydel was not present but is working on the fencing area.
Ehmke received a request to use the ball field for practice; the team will have to work up the field for use.
Old Business:
Burn has been completed and cleanup will be done as soon as done with field work.
From the Attorney:
The attorney is still unable to locate property owner. The Clerk will be checking to see what next step is for one property and other properties may be sold and is being cleaned up. The Board appreciates the work done by John Clark to clean and remove the trailer.
Utility Bills – There were 11 shut off notices mailed. One property was shut off and four properties remain unpaid. No further information regarding problem of unpaid bill for sold property.
Bridge work has nothing to report at this time.
Cleanup day filled 2 roll offs and the third was taken to property to clear burn debris.
New Business:
The Board discussed purchasing tools.
From the Clerk:
JEO Golf Outing for June
Trustee Reports:
Water/Staack: Nothing to report.
Sewer/Kirchhoff: One property reported water/sewage in basement.
Finance/Lehn: CD
Parks/Moses: Restrooms will be opened.
Street/Ehmke: Picnic tables were moved.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the payments of the bills for May. All present board members voted and the following bills will be paid:
General: Kirchhoff - $609.49; Windstream - $122.57; Columbus Telegram - $39.64;
Display Sales - $95; Meeske Auto Parts - $24.27; Clarke, CPA - $1700; Ball Insurance - $24; Intuit - $6.33; DEPOSIT - $25
Sewer: Keene - $1103.65; Kirchhoff - $85.15; GO Bond - $758.42; Tri-State Pumping - $695.76; NE City Utilities - $210; Taylor’s Drain & Sewer - $864
Water: Keene - $311.57; Kirchhoff - $87.35; Sewer Account - $3204.96; Rural Water Dist. #3 - $1286.30; Water Loan Repay - $2200; NE Department of Revenue - $343.84; Postmaster - $50; WW Express Lane - $6.39; Security Deposit Account - $150
Street: Ehmke - $149.60; Moses - $166.48; Meeske Auto Parts - $59.99; Meeske Hardware - $18.91
Community Improvement: Antes - $55; Ehmke - $160.68; Moses - $88.66
Library/Sign Account: AKC Reunite - $25; the Potter’s House - $35; Cash - $150; DEPOSIT - $970
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The present board members voted ayes and the meeting were adjourned by Chairman at 7:42 pm. The next meeting of the Avoca Village Board will be held on Monday, June 11, 2018 at 6:00 pm at the Village office at 609 House Street. Minutes are submitted by Marilyn Kirchhoff, Village Clerk/Treasurer.