Date: Monday, June 11, 2018
Present: Ehmke, Kirchhoff, Lehn, Moses, Staack and Clerk, Kirchhoff
Guests: Meyer and Lowman
All board members and two guests were present. The meeting was brought to order at 6:00 pm by Chairman, Ehmke and reminded all in attendance of the Open Meetings Act posted on the wall.
The Minutes of the May 14, 2108, were submitted for approval. A motion was made to approve the minutes followed by a second and all present voted ayes.
The Treasurer’s Report was submitted for approval. A motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s report and all present voted ayes.
From the Fire Department –Nothing to report.
The Library Board reported that the first summer event had 20 people attend. Miss Avoca surprised the kids with a visit and is planning to attend the rest of the events. The next event will be sidewalk art. Shari will present DoTerra Oils on June 27. Junior high age and young adult books were received from Elmwood Library. A book has been donated to the Avoca Library by Nebraska author, Ted Kooser. Still looking for wording and updating the Ordinances.
Lowman was present to discuss with the Board his plans to get a dealer’s license and will have up to 10 cars, which will be in the back of his current business building. He is asking for something in writing and the Clerk will check with Zoning and the Attorney to have this written up. The Board will be asking for no parking on the streets, no blocking the alley and limit number of vehicles. He is also asking for additional rock for the alley.
Old Business:
Incontro property has been cleared and a list of expenses will be given to the Attorney so a lien may be filed on the property.
From the Attorney:
Nothing has been received by the Attorney for problem properties.
Utility Bills – There were 11 shut off notices mailed. One property was shut off but owner has paid and has been turned on. Keene is working to have 3 properties shut off. No further information regarding problem of unpaid bill for sold property.
Bridge work has nothing to report at this time.
Due to the bad weather that moved through during the meeting, discussion was limited and items were put on hold till July meeting.
New Business:
Trustee Reports:
Water/Staack: Nothing to report.
Sewer/Kirchhoff: Nothing to report.
Finance/Lehn: CD information received – Clerk is requesting sewer cd be cashed to cover bills.
Parks/Moses: Nothing to report.
Street/Ehmke: Nothing to report.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the payments of the bills for June. All present board members voted and the following bills will be paid:
General Account: Trustee Fees: Ehmke - $135; Kirchhoff - $90; Lehn - $90; Staack - $90; Moses - $90; Kirchhoff - $609.49; Windstream Nebraska - $125.40; Office Depot - $442.48; Ehmke - $44.33; Moses - $210.55
Sewer Account: Keene - $869.54; Kirchhoff - $87.27; G O Bond Account - $758.42;Tri-State Pumping - $387.88; Taylor’s Drain & Sewer - $1515; Municipal Service & Supply Co - $115; Ehmke - $22.18; USABlue Book - $698.16; Tri-State - $1128.78
Water Account: Keene - $154.99; Kirchhoff - $87.36; Sewer Account - $2806.81; Rural Water Dist. #3 - $1260.50; Water Loan Repay Account - $2200.00; NE Department of Revenue - $298.96; NE Public Health Environmental Lab - $15; Postmaster - $50
Street Account: Ehmke - $144.06; Stutheit Implement -$72.88; Meeske Auto Parts - $97.83; Meeske Hardware - $122.06; Hauschild Construction - $102.06
Community Improvement Account: Antes - $110; Ehmke - $83.11; Hauschild - $2032; Hauschild Construction - $3487.50
Library Account: Kirchhoff - $5; Kirchhoff - $18.03
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The present board members voted ayes and the meeting were adjourned by Chairman at 6:38 pm. The next meeting of the Avoca Village Board will be held on Monday, July 9, 2018 at 6:00 pm at the Village office at 609 House Street. Minutes are submitted by Marilyn Kirchhoff, Village Clerk/Treasurer.