Date: Monday, August 13, 2018
Present: Ehmke, Kirchhoff, Lehn, Moses, Staack and Clerk, Kirchhoff
Guests: Diltz, Snodgrass and Clark
All board members and three guests were present. The meeting was brought to order at 6:00 pm by the Chairman and reminded all in attendance of the Open Meetings Act posted on the wall.
The Minutes of the July 9, 2108, were submitted for approval. A motion was made to approve the minutes followed by a second and all present voted ayes.
The Treasurer’s Report was submitted for approval. A motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s report, the motion was followed by a second and all present voted ayes.
Fire Department: Reported there had been a grass fire.
Keene was unable to attend but reported that he had contacted a company to get a quote for lift station light and alarm. There is a possible leak in the alley but the plant is running at 85% efficient. He will be removing the hydrant and placing a spigot at the plant as well as continuing with preventative maintenance and completed replacement of new travel wheel on the air lift pump.
The Library Board: The summer events were well attended and the group will begin plans for next summer, looking for ideas. The Library has returned to their regular hours of Tuesday 4-5:00 pm and Saturday 9:30-10:30 am.
Down Home Saloon will be holding a fundraiser on Saturday, August 18, 2018 – Azalea’s Voice. Event is turning out to be bigger than original plans and many volunteers have been working to get things ready. Snodgrass has pulled the weeds and Brockhoff will be putting in new mulch in the playground. The event will have bands, kid’s activities, a petting zoo and raffles.
Building permit was requested by Snodgrass. A motion was made and seconded to approve the permit. All present voted ayes to approve permit.
A building permit was requested by Clark. A motion was made and seconded to approve the permit. All present voted ayes to approve the permit.
Old Business:
Incontro property – All bills have been submitted to the attorney to file a lien on the property for the burn and clean up of the house.
From the Attorney:
Nothing new with Straw property – still have not had any reply to letters sent.
Letter was sent to repair window, clear sidewalk and trailer.
There is nothing further to report on other problem properties.
Utility Bills – There were 10 shut off notices mailed. One is making payments, one is still outstanding and the rest were paid. Attorney has asked if the Board wants to follow up with small claim court for outstanding bill of $114. A motion was made and seconded to waive the outstanding bill as it would cost more to file than what is due. All voted ayes to waive.
Bridge work report: Ehmke will follow up with bridge work.
New Business:
It was brought to the Board’s attention that there are around 8 dogs at one property. A letter has been sent as this is in violation of Village Ordinances. Will also remind property owner that the van will need to be moved as this is also in violation of Village Ordinances.
Ehmke is looking into chains for tractor.
Digger’s Hotline – free service to the public. However, the Village is billed for these.
A complaint was received about the property on the edge of Village using area for target practice. The Clerk will check with the Attorney.
A complaint was also received about kids riding bikes through people’s yards and even taking fruit from trees. The Clerk will also discuss this with Attorney.
The Clerk is working with USDA on audits and they will begin work on Emergency plans for the Village as well. A copy of the current plan was given and they were very impressed.
Moses and Hoback will be working on the door.
Trustee Reports:
Water/Staack: Nothing to report.
Sewer/Kirchhoff: Nothing to report.
Finance/Lehn: CD information received
Parks/Moses: Removed some limbs from the park.
Street/Ehmke: Tree along Garfield that needs to be cut.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the payments of the bills for August. All present board members voted and the following bills will be paid:
General Account: Kirchhoff - $609.48; Moses - $221.64; Windstream Nebraska - $123.67; Lincoln Journal Star - $43.44; Hauschild - $1017; Avoca Rural Fire District No 5 - $1219.74; League of NE Municip0alities - $260; Meeske Hardware - $55.79; Office Depot - $134.50
Sewer Account: Keene - $869.53; Kirchhoff - $87.28; G O Bond Account - $758.42; Midwest Laboratories - $181.03; Tri-State - $352.88; NE City Utilities - $115; Meeske Hardware - $38.73; Accurate Testing -$135
Water Account: Keene - $155; Kirchhoff - $87.36; Sewer Account - $3448.03; Rural Water Dist. #3 - $1294.90; Water Loan Repay Account - $2000.00; NE Department of Revenue - $374.09; NE Public Health Environmental Lab - $15; Postmaster - $50; WW Express Lane - $1.49
Street Account: Ehmke - $293.67; Stutheit Implement Co - $13.24; Meeske Hardware - $28.78; Brockhoff - $60
Community Improvement Account: Antes - $110; Kirchhoff - $440
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The present board members voted ayes; and the meeting was adjourned by Chairman at 7:19 pm. The next meeting of the Avoca Village Board will be held on Monday, September 10, 2018 at 6:00 pm at the Village office at 609 House Street. Minutes are submitted by Marilyn Kirchhoff, Village Clerk/Treasurer.