Date:  Monday, December 10, 2018

Present:  Ehmke, Kirchhoff, Lehn, Moses, Staack and Clerk, Kirchhoff

All board members were present.  The meeting was brought to order at 6:00 pm by the Chairman and reminded all in attendance of the Open Meetings Act posted on the wall.

The Minutes of the November 12, 2108, were submitted for approval.  A motion was made to approve the minutes followed by a second and all present voted ayes.

The Treasurer’s Report was submitted for approval.  A motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s report, the motion was followed by a second and all present voted ayes.


            Fire Department:  Nothing to report. 

            Keene reported to the Clerk that he is checking the lift station and chlorine building daily to be sure heated well.

            Library Board did not meet in December.  More books have been donated.

Old Business:


                        The Clerk will continue to work with Attorney to locate homeowner.  Other properties will be reviewed in the spring.

Utility Bills – There were 8 shut off notices mailed.  Six have been paid, two remain unpaid.  Reader is still showing a leak and a leak at residence. 

Bridge work report - Results from Baking for the Bridge Fundraiser:  Pies were great and the Down Home Saloon was able to donate $671.98 towards the bridge funds from sales.  The Clerk received information for concession stand sales but there was no interest by Board.

Santa will be coming to Avoca on Saturday, December 15, 2018.  Soup will be served from 12-2 and Santa will be there from 1-2.  Soup provided by Down Home Saloon and treats provided by the House Street Bakery.  Goodie bags will be given to the kids!

New Business:

The Clerk gave information for the Sewer Account giving the Board two options:  1) Increase the sewer rates OR 2) Pay off the GO Bond early.  This would allow the $758.42 that is transferred monthly to remain in the sewer funds and would also save on the interest.  A motion was made to pay off the loan now.  The motion was seconded.  Board members voted:  Ehmke – aye; Kirchhoff – aye; Lehn – aye; Moses – aye and Staack – aye.  The Clerk will continue to watch the sewer account and if needed, the Board will have to decide to raise rates at a later date.

Election Results:

Clark – 49 votes; Kirchhoff – 37 votes; Lehn – 46 votes; Scattering write-ins – 3 votes.

JEO reappointments:

A motion was made to appoint JEO Consulting Group, Inc., as the Village engineer.  The motion was seconded and all Board voted ayes.

A motion was made to appoint Evan B Wickersham from JEO Consulting Group, Inc., as the Street Superintendent for 2019.  The motion was seconded and all Board voted ayes.

Clerk Questions/Correspondence/Miscellaneous:

Information was given to the Board regarding MAPA.  More information will be requested.

2019 meeting schedule was reviewed.

The recycle trailer will not be back to Avoca until parts are received and repair work completed.  The parts have been on order for two months.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

Trustee Reports:

Water/Staack:  Nothing to report.

Sewer/Kirchhoff:  Nothing to report.

            Finance/Lehn:  Nothing to report.

            Parks/Moses:  Nothing to report.

Street/Ehmke:  Streets were not cleared as well as wanted to because the ground is not frozen.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the payments of the bills for December.  All present board members voted and the following bills will be paid:

General Account:  Ehmke - $135; Kirchhoff - $90; Lehn - $90; Moses - $90; Staack - $30; Kirchhoff - $609.48; Windstream Nebraska - $129.40; Intuit - $10.55; Lincoln Journal Star - $32.82; Office Depot - $186.89; Meeske Hardware - $18.57; US Treasury 1353.96

Sewer Account:  Keene - $1056.01; Kirchhoff - $87.27; G O Bond Account - $758.42; Midwest Laboratories - $19.25; Badger Meter - $750

Water Account:  Keene - $385.98; Kirchhoff - $87.36; Sewer Account - $3305.18; Rural Water Dist. #3 - $1630.30; Water Loan Repay Account - $2200.00;  NE Department of Revenue - $353.55; NE Public Health Environmental Lab - $15; Postmaster - $50; Badger Meter - $750

Street Account: Ehmke - $554.10; Meeske Auto Parts - $214.73; Meeske Hardware - $1527.53;

Moses - $44.33; Moses - $350

Community Improvement Account:  Antes - $55

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.  The present board members voted ayes; and the meeting was adjourned by Chairman at 6:48 pm.  The next meeting of the Avoca Village Board will be held on Monday, January 14, 2019, at 6:00 pm at the Village office at 609 House Street.  Minutes are submitted by Marilyn Kirchhoff, Village Clerk/Treasurer.