Date:  Monday, August 9, 2021

Present:  Ehmke, Lehn, Mosses, Kirchhoff and Clerk, Kirchhoff

Absent:  Clark                         Guest:  Giess

Four board members, one guest and Clerk were present with one board member absent.  Attendance was noted by the Clerk and the Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance to begin the meeting.  The meeting was brought to order at 6:00 pm by the Chairman and reminded all in attendance of the Open Meetings Act posted on the wall.

            The Minutes of the July 12, 2021, were submitted for approval.  A motion was made to approve the minutes followed by a second.  Roll call vote:  Clark – absent; Ehmke, Kirchhoff, Lehn and Moses all yea. 

            The Treasurer’s Report for approval.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the report.    Roll call vote:  Clark – absent; Ehmke, Kirchhoff, Lehn and Moses all yea. 


            Fire department was not present to report and there has been no communication with the Board regarding plans for Quack Off, (liquor permit, open containers or street closings).

            Library Board was not present but sent a letter.  The letter reports that if anyone wishes to check out books, they are to contact Nancy Bose at 402-275-3466.  They will not be opening the library at this time and will wait till after school starts and the new round of virus slows down.  They’ve been busy regrouping and reorganizing.  The garbage can was mentioned in their letter, this needs to be taken to the alley regardless if it is full or only small amount.  Also, the basement storage will be revisited as the Village needs space for paperwork that must be kept for 10 years.

            Keene did not leave a report but is looking into grant information.

Old Business:

            Properties:  The Attorney has made contact with Straw and is checking with the bank and county to find out ownership.

            Utility Bills – There were 10 shut off notices mailed, 4 remains unpaid.  One leak was noted on reading meters.  One will be shut off as to status of vacancy is unsure.

            Pending work to be done:

Tractor Shed work will be done.

                        Concrete work has not been corrected and the bill still not received.

                        Stop signs needed?  The Board will be taking a survey for the need of additional stop signs as several intersections to see about slowing traffic down as speed bumps is not a favorable decision.

                        Street work has been completed, and a map is still needed, as well as painting of parking spaces on House Street and a handicap space by the Post Office.

New Business:

            Working on the 1&6 Year Road Plan – no additions to be added.

            Snow Removal was discussed.  After discussion, it was decided that there have been no problems or complaints received so the removal will remain the same.  A motion was made and seconded to leave the snow removal as it has been done in the past.  Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – absent; Ehmke- yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – yea.  The Board is only authorizing snow removal work to be done by a few people.  Anyone Not authorized, will be responsible for any street, personal or Village property damage and will be billed for cost of the damage done.  Discussion for snow removal for sidewalks was also discussed and Moses said he would continue as done in the past.  A motion was made and seconded for Moses to continue with the sidewalk snow removal.  Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – absent; Ehmke- yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – abstain.

Clerk Questions or Correspondence:

            The Clerk discussed with the Board to increase the amount transferred to the Sewer Reserve account.  At this time, it will remain as is. 

            Area around the flag pole by the office has been done by Richard Hoback and it is looking great.  It is greatly appreciated by all. 

            Discussed Santa coming to Avoca this year.  The event is set for Saturday, December 18.  The Board will be serving soup and goodies and treat sacks will be given to the kids 

            The Clerk informed the Board that she is still recovering from carpal tunnel surgery and had help the past few weeks from her daughters in getting paperwork done.  A motion was made and seconded to pay them for their time. Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – absent; Ehmke- yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – yea.  Payment will be made.

Trustee Reports:

Water/Clark:  Absent.

Sewer/Kirchhoff:   Nothing to report.

Finance/Lehn: Nothing to report.

            Parks/Moses:  Will be spraying weeds in the park again.

Street/Ehmke:  Nothing to report except for the work done on streets.


Discussion of bills to be paid for August:   A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Ehmke.  Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – absent; Ehmke- abstain; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – yea.  A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Moses.  Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – absent; Ehmke- yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – abstain.    A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for the automatic bills.   Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – absent; Ehmke- yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – yea.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the payment of the remaining bills for August.   Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – absent; Ehmke- yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – yea. 

The following bills were approved for payment:   

General:  Kirchhoff - $719.13; Windstream Nebraska - $125.03; Lincoln Journal Star - $120.70; Intuit - $8.44; Hauschild - $1017.00; Moses - $193.93; NE Municipal Clerks’ Association - $20; League of NE Municipalities - $295; Avoca Rural Fire District No 5 - $4501.94

Sewer Account:  Keene - $1274.83; Kirchhoff - $129.29; Midwest Laboratories - $190.83; Tri-State Pumping LLC - $347.88; Meeske Hardware - $50.14; Sewer Reserve - $100  

Water Account:  Keene - $604.89; Kirchhoff - $129.29; Sewer Account - $3224.42; Rural Water Dist. #3 - $1397.50; NE Department of Revenue - $472.65; NE Public Health Environmental Lab - $225.00; Postmaster - $55; Weeping Water Express Lane - $3.38; Water Loan Repay - $2000.00; Water Reserve - $1600.00   

Street Account:  Ehmke - $277.98; Ron’s Auto & Tire Repair - $40.86, correction; Meeske Hardware - $221.53; Hauschild Construction - $71.25

Community Improvement Account:  Avoca Volunteer Fire Department - $301.55, replace lost check

KENO:  Avoca Volunteer Fire Department - $200.00, replace lost check

Automatic Payments:  Black Hills Energy - $15.34

 OPPD – General - $337.61; Water - $33.74; Sewer - $498.58; Street - $679.07

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – absent; Ehmke- yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – yea.  The meeting was adjourned by Chairman at 7:43 pm.  The next meeting of the Avoca Village Board will be held on Monday, September 13, 2021, at 6:00 pm at the Village office at 609 House Street.  Minutes are submitted by Marilyn Kirchhoff, Village Clerk/Treasurer.