Date: Monday, September 14, 2020
Present: Ehmke, Kirchhoff, Clark, Lehn, Mosses and Clerk, Kirchhoff
Guests: Jones, Keene and Clarke
All board members and clerk were present with three guests. The members were separated and kept the 6 feet distance. The meeting was brought to order at 6:00 pm by the Chairman and reminded all in attendance of the Open Meetings Act posted on the wall.
The Minutes of the August 10, 2020, were submitted for approval. A motion was made to approve the minutes followed by a second and upon roll call all voted ayes.
The Treasurer’s Report was submitted for approval. A motion was made to accept the report followed by a second of the motion and upon roll call, all voted ayes.
Fire Department discussed plans to burn the house at 721 House Street after everything is cleared. A motion was made and seconded by the Board for approval of the burn after clearance from the Fire Marshall and upon a roll call vote; all Trustees voted ayes for burn approval. The department has gotten a new truck. Quack Off plans are beginning with the idea to move the race to Tefft Street from the tennis court. A motion was made and seconded to approve the races to be on Tefft Street between the alley and House Street. Upon a roll call vote, all Trustees voted ayes. Burn permits may be obtained from Austin Jones.
Keene reported that he is working with Kerns Excavating to locate and repair the leak in the alley. Changing the line may affect three shut offs and work will begin as soon as Kerns has an opening in their schedule.
Kirchhoff had nothing to report from the Library Board.
Building permits: Clark gave the Board information on plans for enclosure at the old car wash. Other two were not present to discuss. There is interest in putting up a building if sale goes through which the Board would not have a problem.
Hensley had discussed with the Clerk to bring back movie night to Avoca. Jones also gave additional information. Board is in favor.
Suspended the regular meeting for the Budget Hearing:
Clarke was present to discuss and answer questions with the Board the Budget for 2020-2021 she prepared and shared with the Board. There were no questions. A motion was made and seconded for the additional one percent Council/Board approved increase. Upon roll call vote, all Trustees voted ayes. A motion was made and seconded to approve and accept the prepared Budget 2020-2021. Upon roll call vote, all Trustees voted ayes. A motion was made and seconded to approve the Audit Waiver. Upon roll call vote, all Trustees voted ayes.
Return to the Regular Meeting:
Old Business:
Utility Bills – There were 9 shut off notices mailed, 5 have not been paid. The meter is reporting a main leak. This was final month for summer rates and waiving of late fees and shutting off for unpaid bills.
Three people have looked at the work to be done for concrete by the office and bridge. Only one bid has been received. A motion was made and seconded to accept the bid from JSM Concrete. Upon roll call vote, all Trustees voted ayes. The bike rack will have to be added after the concrete is set.
Cleanup Day is Saturday, September 26, 2020. Additional information was discussed. No tires will be accepted. If someone has items to be picked up, they are to contact a Trustee or call the office. Payment will need to be made prior to pick up if not going to be home the day of the cleanup.
New Business:
The Board resumed their discussion regarding mowing and weeds/trees being trimmed as complaints have been made. Letters will be sent to five homeowners. A letter of concern was submitted to the Board from Greenblatt. They will be working on a new Ordinance to enforce that lawns will be kept mowed to 8 inches as well as regulations for trees to be trimmed and weeds kept under control.
Information was received regarding the recycle trailer and the changes to be made by the county. A note will be sent to have someone from the county to attend the October meeting to discuss options.
Clerk Questions or Correspondence:
The Clerk will be participating in a virtual conference 7 days in October and the office will be closed during those times.
A Veteran’s wall will be added to the office lobby. A note will be placed in the next What’s Happening asking for information and/or photos of military personnel.
Trustee Reports:
Water/Clark: Nothing to report.
Sewer/Kirchhoff: Nothing to report.
Finance/Lehn: Nothing to report. A culvert was added at end of driveway.
Parks/Moses: Nothing to report.
Street/Ehmke: Nothing to report.
Discussion of bills to be paid for September: A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Ehmke, upon roll call three ayes and Ehmke abstain vote. A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Moses; upon roll call four ayes and Moses abstain. A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Kirchhoff; upon roll call four ayes and Kirchhoff abstain. A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Lehn; upon roll call four ayes and Lehn abstain. A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Clark; upon roll call vote four ayes and Clark abstain. A motion was made and seconded to pay the remainder monthly bills as listed along with the automatic bills. Upon roll call vote, all voted ayes.
The following bills were approved for payment: General Account: Ehmke - $135; Clark - $90; Kirchhoff - $90; Lehn - $90; Moses - $60; Kirchhoff - $627.56; Windstream Nebraska - $123.89; Lincoln Journal Star - $120.34; Intuit - $6.33; Hauschild - $1017; Office Depot - $387.98; US Treasury - $1184.10; Clarke - $1300; NE Dept of Revenue - $162.70; NE Dept of Revenue - $25; League of Nebraska Municipalities - $490
Sewer Account: Keene - $894.97; Kirchhoff - $89.95; Midwest Laboratories - $11.83; Postmaster - $55
Water Account: Keene - $159.64; Kirchhoff - $89.95; Sewer Account - $4598.98; Rural Water Dist. #3 - $2382.50; Water Loan Repay Account - $2200.00; NE Department of Revenue - $690.64; NE Public Health Environmental Lab - $15
Street Account: Ehmke - $210.56; Moses - $55.41; Hauschild Construction - $255.65; Hauschild Feeds - $16.95; Meeske Hardware - $36.25
Community Improvement: Antes - $55; Cash - $100
Filing Fees: Sewer - $51.72
Security Deposit: Water - $55.37; Lowman - $94.63
Automatic Payments: Black Hills Energy - $21.22
OPPD – General - $327.71; Water - $33.65; Sewer - $538.65; Street - $686.52
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call, all voted ayes; and the meeting was adjourned by Chairman at 7:38 pm. The next meeting of the Avoca Village Board will be held on Monday, October 12, 2020, at 6:00 pm at the Village office at 609 House Street. Minutes are submitted by Marilyn Kirchhoff, Village Clerk/Treasurer.