Village Office
609 House Street

From the Avoca Board of Trustees:
Reminder: Motorized vehicles are NOT allowed in Tefft park!!
The Fire Department recently had a scare with children driving a 4-wheeler and another on a mini bike. Parents PLEASE be aware of where your children are and what they are doing. This could have had a tragic ending. Additionally, motorized vehicles ARE NOT allowed in the park. Children under the legal driving age should not be driving these vehicles on the streets.
Cass County Recycle Trailer
For the past years Avoca has been fortunate to have a recycle trailer in the Village for all Cass County residents. These trailers were purchased with grant money for the County. We want to keep the trailer here.
Your help is needed! Garbage is being placed in the recycle trailer bins. If this continues, we may lose the trailer. See the list below for items that are allowed. If you see someone putting items not allowed in the trailer, please report it to the Village Office so it can be addressed.