Date: Monday, August 10, 2020
Present: Ehmke, Kirchhoff, Clark, Lehn and Clerk, Kirchhoff
Absent: Moses Guests:
Four (one late) board members and clerk were present with one absent. The members were separated and kept the 6 feet distance. The meeting was brought to order at 6:00 pm by the Chairman and reminded all in attendance of the Open Meetings Act posted on the wall.
The Minutes of the July 13, 2020, were submitted for approval. A motion was made to approve the minutes followed by a second and upon roll call all voted ayes.
The Treasurer’s Report was submitted for approval. A motion was made to accept the report followed by a second of the motion and upon roll call, all voted ayes.
Fire Department is working on tearing down the building at 632 House Street.
Keene was not present and did not leave a report.
Kirchhoff had nothing to report from the Library Board.
Old Business:
Properties: Nothing to discuss.
Utility Bills – There were 10 shut off notices mailed, 2 have not been paid in full. The meter is reporting a main leak and one other. The Clerk checked with other towns/villages to see if they have resumed late charges and shut offs. Kirchhoff made a motion to go back to charging the late fee and shut off for those not paid beginning with the bill due August 20. The motion was seconded and all Trustees voted ayes.
Ehmke discussed the concrete work that needs to be done. There were no bids received by meeting date.
Still waiting on tractor shed work to be completed.
Street repair work should begin within next two weeks or sooner.
The Clerk gave the Trustees information regarding mowing ordinances and regulations. After a discussion, the Board decided to table this at this time.
The Trustees reviewed an Ordinance of the Village of Avoca, Cass County, Nebraska to amend Title IX: General Provisions: Section 94.02 banned from municipality, of the Code of Ordinances of Avoca, Cass County, Nebraska, providing for ownership and harboring of laying hen chickens in Village limits: to provide for the repeal of conflicting Ordinances or sections; and to provide for an effect date. A motion was made by Lehn for the Third Reading and Final Passage of Ordinance 2020-02. Upon roll call Trustees voted: Clark – absent; Ehmke – aye; Kirchhoff – aye; Lehn – aye; Moses – absent. Motion carried and Ordinance 2020-02 was approved. The Ordinance will be posted and copies will be available at the Village Office.
Cleanup Day is set for Saturday, September 26, 2020. There will be a $5 charge for each appliance as well as a $10 charge per load (truck and trailer are two loads). Cash or Check payments will be collected at the day/time of the Cleanup. Clark has agreed to haul appliances.
The Clerk will check with JEO about speed and bumps.
There is still a problem with a water leak. The Clerk will check with Keene and Burke regarding normal loss difference and meters.
New Business:
The LPSNRD Hazard Mitigation Plan Adoption Resolution was submitted to the Board for approval. A motion was made by Lehn and seconded by Clark to adopt the Resolution as read. Upon roll call all four Trustees voted ayes to approve, one absent.
A question regarding sidewalks was brought to the Board. The Ordinances were reviewed and a check will be made of current sidewalks. As the Ordinance reads, present sidewalks must be maintained.
It was brought to the attention of the Board about a building permit. Nothing was received through the office but will follow up with the County.
The Clerk will look into the Water account CD.
Clerk Questions or Correspondence:
The Wage Report for 2020 was given to the Trustees.
A questionnaire was received by USDA. The Clerk will look into Wikipedia for help.
Trustee Reports:
Water/Clark: Nothing to report.
Sewer/Kirchhoff: Nothing to report.
Finance/Lehn: Nothing to report.
Parks/Moses: Absent.
Street/Ehmke: Nothing to report.
Discussion of bills to be paid for August: A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Ehmke, upon roll call three ayes and Ehmke abstain vote. A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Moses, upon roll call four ayes and Moses absent. A motion was made and seconded to pay the remainder monthly bills as listed along with the automatic bills. Upon roll call vote, all voted ayes.
The following bills were approved for payment: General Account: Kirchhoff - $647.19; Windstream Nebraska - $126.76; Intuit - $8.44; Hauschild - $1017; Meeske Hardware - $43.18; League of Nebraska Municipalities - $264; Avoca Rural Fire Protection District - $6454.51
Sewer Account: Keene - $894.96; Kirchhoff - $89.95; Tri-State Pumping - $910.38; Meeske Hardware - $54.70; USABlue Book - $349.34; CB Plumbing Services - $658.20
Water Account: Keene - $159.64; Kirchhoff - $89.95; Sewer Account - $1110.41; Rural Water Dist. #3 - $2152.50; Water Loan Repay Account - $2200.00; NE Department of Revenue - $137.55; NE Public Health Environmental Lab - $15; Postmaster - $55
Street Account: Ehmke - $83.12; Moses - $33.25
Community Improvement: Antes - $55
Automatic Payments: Black Hills Energy - $21.22
OPPD – General - $327.71; Water - $33.84; Sewer - $509.80; Street - $678.93
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call, all voted ayes; and the meeting was adjourned by Chairman at 7:45 pm. The next meeting of the Avoca Village Board will be held on Monday, September 14, 2020, at 6:00 pm at the Village office at 609 House Street. Minutes are submitted by Marilyn Kirchhoff, Village Clerk/Treasurer.